
Stuba is an accommodation wholesaler exclusively for the trade, offering over 100,000 properties around the world, at competitive rates in real-time.

We have some great features including:

  • Smart search function with up to 20 different lifestyle filters!
  • Retina enables you with one click to show your mark up and logo on-screen, so you can flip your screen to face your customers.
  • Q Push function helps you submit quotations with property images and information via email directly from our booking panel.
  • Stuba reviews are aggregated from multiple review websites and social media for the bigger picture.
  • ‘Preferred by Agents’ option, giving you the chance to rate hotels.
  • Unrivalled 24/7 customer support

We remain 100% trade only, ensuring that you have our total commitment so we can provide you with the right tools to win more business. Our travel partners remain at the heart of everything we do and we are confident that you’ll love working with Stuba and all of our great features to make your booking journey even more efficient

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