About Travel Centres

Travel Centres is a multi-award winning travel agency consortium with over 70 members located across the length and breadth of Ireland. Founded back in 2005, it is Ireland’s largest grouping of independently-owned and managed travel agencies — all of whom are government licensed and bonded.

Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of joining our consortium.

The Team

Dominic Burke


Dominic joined the travel industry in 1975, having originally trained as an industrial engineer. Over the course of the past 45 years, he has held a variety of senior management roles in both the retail and tour operating sectors having lead companies such as north American charter operator Chieftain Tours in the late Eighties and American specialists Enterprise Travel in the Nineties. Dominic founded his first agency consortium in 1999 with Travel Alliance which he subsequently merged with a large US-based consortium,  before taking up the role of EVP of Europe for the American corporation in 2004. In 2005, Dominic founded Travel Centres which has since grown to become Ireland’s largest grouping of independent travel agencies. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Transport & Logistics and a Fellow of the Institute of Travel and Tourism.

Bernie Burke


Bernie’s 40+ year career has spanned multiple roles in both tourism and banking having previously been one of the management training team for Permanent TSB, following several years with ABN Amro bank.



Jocelyn has been a team member since 2011 and oversees all finance and admin-related activities within Travel Centres whilst completing her Bachelor of Business (Hons). degree

Lisa Gibbons


Lisa has over 10+ experience in Digital Marketing with a Masters in International Tourism. Lisa is responsible for all things digital at Travel Centres and enjoys marketing a wide range of services within the travel industry.



Dave is responsible for all Travel Centres graphics and web design including this rather natty website (if he does say so himself!). Dave is a regular fixture at our Annual conference where he splits his time between woeful dancer and paparazzi-wall photographer.

Travel Centres logo

Industry-leading Travel Partners